One of our main goals of this website is to provide easy and accessible information. We receive many inquiries regarding cemetery and burial locations. These requests come from people visiting our area and individuals searching for family histories. You can find your relatives listed in our search under Burial Information.

Brief Chronological History of Largest Jewish Cemeteries in the Area
The Temple Israel Cemetery is the oldest Jewish Cemetery in Nebraska. The land for Pleasant Hill Cemetery was purchased in 1871 for the Congregation of Israel which became Temple Israel in 1889. Chevra Bikur Cholim acquired an adjacent tract around 1885 and the Kapulier Congregation bought a tract inside Pleasant Hill shortly after the turn of the century.
Beth Hamedrosh Hagadol acquired Fisher’s Farm Cemetery in 1884. In 1913, Adas Jeshurun founded the B’nai Abraham Cemetery on the same grounds.
Chevra B’nai Israel Adas Russia purchased land for Golden Hill Cemetery in 1888.
Almost immediately upon the founding of Beth El Synagogue in 1927, the congregation acquired land for its cemetery.
In 1886, Samuel and Rachel Polowsky bought property in Lincoln’s Belmont section, which they sold to the Chevra B’nai Jehuda Cemetery Assocation. This burial ground, which became known as the Mount Carmel Cemetery serves Lincoln’s Orthodox and Conservation Jews. Several years later, Lincoln’s B’nai Jeshurun Congregation (Reform) began using a section of the non-sectarian Wyuka Cemetery for burial purposes calling it Mount Lebanon Cemetery in 1904.
Council Bluffs, Iowa:
Jewish families utilize a part of Oak Hills Cemetery/Bikor Cholim Cemetery.
Nebraska City:
Mount Nevo Cemetery is now part of Wyuka Cemetery in Nebraska City, NE. It was established between 1850 and 1888. Also a family cemetery, Tel Shalom, is on the Novak farm outside of Nebraska City.
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